7 research outputs found


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    An audio information transmitting system, encrypted by chaotic sequences, which are generated on the base of discrete one-dimensional mappings is described in the article. The operation of the system is considered on the example of the information transmission between two computers.W artykule opisano system transmisji informacji audio z szyfrowaniem chaotycznymi sekwencjami generowanymi na podstawie jednowymiarowych dyskretnych chaotycznych odwzorowań. Pracę systemu rozpatruje się na przykładzie transmisji informacji między dwoma komputerami

    I-T converting element of quantum temperature standard

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    Possibility of researching the most contemporary measure of temperature on the basis of fundamental physical constants with involvement of the Standard of Electrical Resistance on the basis of Inverse of Conductance Quantum as well as the Standard of Voltage based on the Josephson junctions array is considered. Its realization depends mainly on the operation of unique electronic device, the work of which forms the basis of the transformation of pulses of electrical voltage into the calibrated jumps of temperature. On the one hand it should be super miniature and pass currents of magnitude of order 1 nA, and on the other hand it should perform the functions of active temperature-sensitive element

    Development of Quantum Unit of Temperature Standard in Thermoelectric Research

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    The quantum standard of temperature based on the revealed quantum unit of the mentioned quantity is studied. It is recommended first to apply as an intrinsic standard. Such a standard does not need permanently recurring measurements against the realization of the SI unit to validate its accuracy. It may be considered as the intrinsic standard of temperature that could be embedded into cyber-physical systems (CPSs) ensuring their precision operation. The methodological base of involvement of the developed standard in the formation of the thermoelectric power of thermoelectric transducers as well as the generator is considered. The feasibility of a unified consideration of the nature of thermoelectric power within macro- and nanothermodynamics is shown. This approach is driven by the increasing use of nano elements based on 1D-, 2D- nanomaterials (nanowires and nanosheets, respectively) and nanostructured materials in technology, in particular, to improve the key parameters of thermoelectric generators and thermometers. In the first case, this is thermoelectric efficiency, and in the second case, the accuracy of thermometers, which is determined by the stability in a time of thermoelectric power

    Evaluation of the functional suitability of the device considering the technological parameters of random deviations from the nominal component aging processes

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    One of the main parameters of the device is its functional suitability. During operation device components under environmental change their parameters, ie, the process of aging. Under these conditions, there is a problem of evaluating functional fitness device taking into account the real processes of aging

    Development of Noise Measurements. Part 3. Passive Method of Electronic Elements Quality Characterization

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    Proper electrical noise research based on estimation of electronic element structure defectiveness and resistor layer electroconductivity by use of the determined noise parameters is suggested in the article. Low-reliable elements are expected to be revealed with the help of proper noise power parameters. The appropriate examples of experimental parameter determination and defectiveness evaluation are notified

    Pulse Sequence Shaper For Radiospectroscopy And Relaxation Methods In NQR

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    A pulse sequence shaper for the pursuance of the research using a wide spectrum of radiospectroscopy and relaxation methods in NQR is proposed. The distinctive feature of this product is its implementation with the application of a multi-functional programmable frequency synthesizer suitable for high-speed amplitude and phase manipulations